GoSites Service Plans

Flexible comprehensive plans

Choose from our tailored plans to boost your digital presence. From basic to advanced options, find the right fit to meet your business goals and achieve success online.

Web hosting options with application and server icons

Discover our comprehensive

Service Plans

Colorful twisted ribbons forming letter X

plan gs x

A simple plan to support you in the digital world


Hosting and domains

GoSites Starter Hosting (free)


Kanban System


Social Media Management


Corporative Identity


Not applicable

Discount code


Regular Price

From $495.67 USD*

Plan Price

From 470.90 USD*

Colorful abstract 3D letter Y on blue background

plan gs y

A complete plan to enhance your digital presence


Hosting and domains

GoSites Starter Hosting (free)


CRM System


Blog Management
Content Monetization


Corporate Identity
Landing Page


Meta Ads Campaign

Discount code


Regular Price

From $957.72 USD*

Plan Price

From $890.68 USD*

Vibrant 3D letter Z with flowing multicolor light effect

plan gs z

A professional plan to take your business to digital success


Hosting and domains

GoSites Starter Hosting (free)


CRM System
Advanced SEO


Social Media Management


Corporative Identity
Email Marketing Campaign


Ecommerce or Catalog
Google Ads Campaign
Landing Page

Discount code


Regular Price

From $1,256.63 USD*

Plan Price

From $1,143.54 USD*

Features of the Plans

The following features or situations must be considered before buy a plan:

Pink computer screen with arrows icon


Websites, Ecommerce, Landing page, CRM systems, and Kanban systems have an implementation cost and a separate maintenance cost (which can be paid monthly or annually). All of these items require a domain or subdomain which you can purchase or transfer here, or manage

Light blue circular arrow logo design


Social Media Management, Blog Management, and Email Marketing Management have one-time implementation costs and can be paid monthly or annually, depending on the client's needs.

Content monetization is a one-time setup.

Blue cloud with bidirectional arrows icon


All campaigns (email, Meta Ads, and Google Ads) are implemented month by month, with the option to pay for campaigns of up to one year.

Corporate identity and Advanced SEO are set up or created for events and do not require renewal.

Purple flag icon on light background


Ecommerce stores and landing pages have an implementation cost plus a maintenance cost (which can be paid monthly or annually).

All campaigns (email, Meta Ads, and Google Ads) are implemented month by month, with the option to pay for annual campaigns.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to some frequently asked questions about hosting:

How do I choose the best plan for my business?

Choosing the best plan depends on your specific needs. Consider factors such as the type of digital presence you want, the level of content and marketing management you require, and your budget. You can consult with our team for a personalized recommendation based on your goals and requirements.

What is the duration of marketing campaigns?

They can be applied for one month, month by month, or up to a year, always with the possibility of renewal according to your needs.

Does content monetization require renewal?

No, content monetization is a one-time setup and does not require renewal.

How long does an online store last?

An online store involves a payment for implementation or website design, and a maintenance fee is applied monthly or annually, depending on the client's preferences.

Do I need a domain for technologies?

For the implementation of Websites, Ecommerce, Landing pages, CRM systems, and Kanban systems, you need to have a domain or subdomain, whether you purchase it directly through GoSites, transfer it, or manage the NS yourself.

How long do content management services last?

They can be contracted for one month, month-to-month, or for a year, with the option to renew the service.


24/7 hosting support.

At GoSites, we're here for you 24/7. Our support team is always available to assist with any questions or issues. Count on us for expert help and guidance anytime you need it.

Have questions or need assistance? Contact us today, and we'll be happy to help!

Diverse virtual team icons on computer screen

30-day money-back guarantee

If you are not happy with our services for whatever reason, we’ll refund your payment. No hassle, no risk.